

Tipperary will continue to be a desirable place to live, with lively and attractive towns.

Support Index

Healthy Age Friendly Homes

The programme’s ambition is to enable everyone to live longer healthier lives by keeping care close to home and expanding the range of health and social care services in the community.

Tipperary County Council to Support Older People to Remain in Their Homes as They Age through the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme.

Tipperary County Council is one of nine local authorities in Ireland to participate in a new initiative aimed at supporting older adults to remain living in their own homes and communities. The Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme is a two-year project which aims to reach up to 4,500 homes across Ireland during this time. The Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme is a Sláintecare and Age Friendly Ireland joint programme.

A local coordinator, Aoife Dunphy, has been appointed by Tipperary County Council and Age Friendly Tipperary and the coordinators approach is to support older people to live in their own home with dignity and independence, for as long as possible. The local coordinator will carry out individual assessments and then work with the person to develop a plan to assist them in accessing services and supports available to make the home most suitable. The programme’s ambition is to enable everyone to live longer healthier lives by keeping care close to home and expanding the range of health and social care services in the community.

The Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council, Cllr, Marie Murphy welcomed the new programme saying, “It’s very clear that the majority of people wish to remain living in their own homes and communities as they age. I’m delighted that Tipperary County Council is one of the first local authorities to be able to participate in this Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme. It is my hope that the programme will make a real impact to the lives of people living in communities across Tipperary”.

Chairperson of Tipperary Older People’s Council, Mary MacMahon stated, “On behalf of Tipperary’s Older People’s Council and all our members we look forward to working with the local coordinator to promote this new programme in the hope of assisting older persons in accessing services and resources to support the avoidance of premature entry into long term care.”

Chair of the Tipperary Age Friendly Alliance, Pat Slattery, added, “Tipperary County Council and Age Friendly Tipperary are proud to support the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme, which is helping to ensure that participants are living in environments that best suits their individual needs and most importantly, aiming to support people remaining and ageing in their own home.”

Age Friendly Tipperary Programme Manager Fiona Crotty stated, “With the provision of the Healthy Age Friendly Homes Coordinator, this supports the theme of Tipperary Age Friendly to support positive ageing within Tipperary and for people to live independently with confidence, security and dignity in their homes for as long as possible and where they are actively encouraged to maintain, improve and manage their health and wellbeing”.

Referrals can be made by anyone once consent of the participants has been received or participants can self-refer to the programme. Referrals or further enquiries regarding the programme can be made by phoning the Healthy Age Friendly Homes National Office on
046 909 7417 or by emailing Age Friendly Ireland at

Message in a Bottle

It could save your life

The Lions Message in a Bottle is a simple idea that encourages people to keep their basic personal and medical details in a common place where they can easily be found in an emergency.

  • What is Message in a Bottle?

    The Lions Message in a Bottle is a simple idea that encourages people to keep their basic personal and medial details in a common place where they can easily be found in an emergency.

  • How Does it Work?

    The information is kept in a bottle. The bottle is kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will expect to find it in the event of being called to your home.

    They will know you have a bottle by the Message in a bottle green labels. One is fixed to inside your front door, one to the inside the rear door or main entrance to your house and the third sticker is on the door of your fridge. This ensures people are treated quickly which can save time and lives.

  • Medical Alert

    If you wear of alert products you should continue to do so. The message in a bottle is not intended to replace these items.

    All Emergency services are aware of the scheme and will use this vital life saving information in the event of an emergency.

  • What information is needed?

    The information is very basic but you may like to ask a relative, neighbor or carer to help you.

    The details required are:

    • Your full name and brief physical description
    • Your doctors name, surgery address and telephone number
    • A brief description of any medial conditions you are suffering from
    • Allergies and allergic reaction to medication
    • Location of our medication in your home
    • The names, address and phone numbers of 2 people who may be contacted in an emergency
    • Details of any pets that you may have on the premises

We also advise that you keep your repeat prescription list with you medication; this is of great help to paramedics.
A sheet is provided for you to complete together with 3 stickers.
1 sticker front door, 1 sticker back door, 1 sticker fridge door

Message in a Bottle

Patient Supports at South Tipperary General Hospital

South Tipperary General Hospital (STGH) invites you to “Keep in touch” with your loved ones during their stay in the hospital.

South Tipperary General Hospital are promoting the following supports to enable patient contacts and supports.

Keep in touch with friends or family in hospital by using the Keep in Touch email services

South Tipperary General Hospital (STGH) invites you to “Keep in touch” with your loved ones during their stay in the hospital.

It is really difficult and stressful to not be able to visit family and friends in hospital at this time.

Email your message, good wishes or letter to this dedicated email address for patients:
In the subject line of the email include: Patients Full Name, Ward Name (if known) and the first line of patients home address.

This service is available Monday to Friday and emails will be printed by the Quality Department and delivered to the patient within 24 hours. Letters received over the weekend or on public holiday will be delivered the next working day.

It’s a simple thing, but you should see the patients faces light up when they receive, read and re read their email.

Get to Know Me
South Tipperary General Hospital

This initiative came about following the passing of my Grandmother Maureen Long at the great age of 96 years in June 2020. Granny was always independent, active and had a cheeky smile.

In March 2020, Granny was admitted to hospital, a rehab facility and finally a nursing home, this was an extremely challenging time for Granny and our family as Granny had always been cared for in the homes of her children. March 2020, was the start of the Pandemic, at this time visiting patients was restricted. In light of restrictions and difficulties communicating with Granny, we tried our best as a family to think outside the box, with family members scaling windows, sneaking in chocolate chips buns, sending in cards, photos and making videos. However these modes of communication only went so far. Following Granny’s passing I began to think about her, my families position during this time and if we could help others in a similar position.

We are all very aware of the impact of COVID-19 on mental health for staff and patients with COVID-19. However, seeing my Grandmother and the role of carers and health care professionals involved in her care during this period provided me with a different insight, where I became aware that there was very little support available for non-COVID patients and ultimately the importance of contact for patients with their loves ones.

Given that patients once they are admitted to hospital have limited contact with loved ones and in recognition of the importance of this contact I got thinking and devised the “Get to know me” document. This was adapted from a document compiled by NHS Lanarkshire. The idea behind this document inevitably is to see the patient as a person, provide comfort and remove the clinical focus of caring for that person.

The document serves as a conversation piece for anyone interacting with the patient in the hope to provide comfort, friendship and reassurance. This document is patient centred, personal, and easy to complete and read. The aim is to keep patients safe and well and improve overall wellbeing during hospital/rehab/nursing home stays or where carers are coming into the family home. This document can be easily completed by a next of kin or patient and can be sent into any facility to support a patient’s journey.

Annelise Hutch Paediatric Dietitian B.A. MSc. PgD. MINDI.
South Tipperary General Hospital

Document Get to Know me attached.

LGBT+ in Tipperary

The Department of Rural & Community Development published the Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2020 providing funding to address disadvantage across the country. This included support for LGBT Community organisations and following an application funding was secured for LGBT+ organisations in Tipperary.

To utilise this funding requiring Community organisations ‘Take measures to ensure that existing community infrastructure is inclusive and welcoming to LGBTI+ people and consider the provision of pop-up LGBTI+ services. A partnership between Clonmel Resource Centre, North Tipperary Development Company, Tipperary County Council and HSE Health Promotion was established to develop to create a leaflet to highlight the LGBT supports available with Tipperary.

Although Ireland has become a far more inclusive society as it embraces new cultures, communities and diversity; there remains some prejudice and homophobia with in our society. Along with that a lot of older LGBT+ people grew up in a time when homosexuality and transgender were considered a mental illness, a shameful and immoral act.

This resulted in many people experiencing discrimination and rejection and isolation. Thankfully many older LGBT+ people are comfortable with their identity, living full and rewarding lives and have effective resilience skills to manage challenges in their lives. There are also some LGBT+ older people that have never told anyone about this part of themselves.

There are many factors that have been shown to help LGBT+ people to develop their resilience and to be comfortable with whom they are.

  • Acceptance of who there are
  • Access to supports and organisations
  • Affirmation from friends and family and strong relationships
  • Friendship and support from the LGBT+ community

The leaflet was circulated widely including to over 80 older persons groups in Information support packs which are being delivered as part of the Covid 19 Keep Well Campaign and will be used in South Tipperary General Hospital in the older persons support information packs.

The leaflet has information regarding sexuality and sexual orientation as well as the details of support services across County Tipperary. It is hoped that this leaflet will support older members of the LGBT+ community to connect with the supports available, but that it will also act as an educational tool to help all older people understand the evolving diversity in Irish Society.

LGBT+ in Tipperary

Age Action Care and Repair

Age Action’s Care and Repair does small DIY jobs, free of charge, for older people to help them maintain their homes and their independence.

Can We Help?
Age Action national line: 0818 911 109
Age Action in Dublin: 01 4756989
Age Action in Cork: 021 2067399
Age Action in Galway: 091 527831


  • Healthy Age Friendly Homes

    Slide title


For all other queries about Care and Repair please contact us using these numbers:

If you require work done in your home to make it safer after a stay in hospital we can help.

If you are a professional working with older people who would benefit from this service you can download a referral form from

Care and Repair can remove trip hazards, install handrails, replace toilet seats or move a bed downstairs to make sure the home is ready for their return.

Age Action’s Care and Repair prioritises carrying out jobs in the homes of older people who are being discharged or have recently been discharged from hospital. If someone is coming out of hospital, no matter where they live, we would support them to make sure their home is safe.

Bereavement Support Line

New Bereavement Support line to assist staff and public during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A new national free phone bereavement support line has been launched by the Irish Hospice Foundation in conjunction with the HSE.

The national free phone service, 1800 80 70 77 is available Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm.

The support line aims to provide a confidential space for people to speak about their experience or ask questions relating to bereavement.

Callers will be listened to with compassion and be provided with emotional support and information on any practical issues that may be helpful.

  • Healthy Age Friendly Homes

    Slide title


Volunteer Tech Helpline for Older People Cocooning in Ireland

Generation Tech was initially set up during the first lockdown to support people aged 65+ to keep in contact with loved ones whilst cocooning. There are over 750.000 people aged 65+ in Ireland and Generation Tech wants to support these people to access technology and develop new skills regardless of age.

  • What Does Generation Tech Do?

    Generation Tech was initially set up during the first lockdown to support people aged 65+ to keep in contact with loved ones whilst cocooning. There are over 750.000 people aged 65+ in Ireland and Generation Tech wants to support these people to access technology and develop new skills regardless of age.

    Whilst running Generation Tech the founders recognised a gap in the market for this service and have decided to continue providing the service long term. Generation Tech is a free service and is run by volunteers. Our volunteers are tech experts and work in shifts from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday. Support is provided over the phone. Our volunteers answer calls about technology related issues such as using printers, setting up zoom, wi-fi routers, or resetting email passwords. Our volunteers are incredibly patient, and they guide the caller through the steps needed to resolve their problem slowly over the phone. Our calls last up to one hour and volunteers will call back if an issue is not resolved within that time period.

  • What Can We Help With?

    Tablets, Phones, PCs, software, other hardware, and facilities such as Alexa, Google Assistant, broadband, Skype routers, Wi-Fi and as any other IT issues.

  • Who Can Avail of the Service?

    Anyone aged 65+ on the island of Ireland can access our service.

  • How Much Does It Cost?

    This is a completely free service; all time is donated by volunteers free of charge.

  • Are callers protected?

    This is a free service, and as such, no-one will be asked for any personal details such as access to their bank details, cards etc. We will be making the call distribution random and all calls are recorded. The Twitter feed is also logged. During a help session, it may be necessary to install a support tool, but that can be uninstalled, and we encourage the caller to do so, immediately after the call.

    Generation Tech wants to ensure that everyone aged 65+ on the island of Ireland has access to technology. As the vaccine roll-out continues we want to remind the public of our presence and to ensure that the public knows we will continue to provide our service after the pandemic.

  • Who have we helped?

    Generation Tech has supported 1000s of people over 65 since the beginning of the pandemic. Often our volunteers learn as much from the callers as they learn from us. We’ve had some fantastic success stories and our callers really appreciate the help. People who may have asked their children, neighbours, or grandchildren for help using technology do not have that option at the moment but probably need technology more than ever.

    We often receive repeat callers and referrals from people we have already helped. We also receive a lot of calls from nursing homes. It's great to know that our work is helping people to keep in contact with others during this challenging time.

Contact Details

Generation Tech can be contacted on

Our contact number in Belfast is 02894 338 799 or Dublin 01-96 33 288 (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Mon to Fri). If you get our message service during that time, or leave a message outside of those hours, a volunteer will call you back. You can press 1 to leave voicemail or 2 whilst on hold to get a callback - free of charge.

Our twitter handle is (@GenTechIrl - hashtag is #GenerationTech) and leave a brief explanation of the problem and your contact number.
The contact form request on our webpage where you can leave a message is http:// /contact

You can also email us at info@ for info or
Our webpage is
Our Facebook page is
Our web page is and there is a form there to sign-up.

Generation Tech

to Volunteer

Dementia Advisor

Tipperary Age Friendly Recording featuring Dementia Advisor Sean Donal O'Shea

Roscrea Bereavement Support Group

Tipperary Age Friendly Recording featuring Dani Dunne and Eileen Kennedy Roscrea Bereavement Support Group

Day 2 of Positive Ageing Week 2021 features information on bereavement supports

Dani Dunne and Eileen Kennedy Roscrea Bereavement Support Group
Eileen Kennedy North Tipperary Hospice
Sue Anne O’Donnell Choosing a Holistic Civil Funeral -Alternative option to a religious funeral
Sue Anne O’Donnell What is the 'Grief Recovery method' finding ways to live with our loss

These recordings were funded by Health Ireland Keep Well Campaign which is an initiative of the Government of Ireland with funding from the Healthy Ireland Fund and the Sláintecare fund delivered by Pobal

Alzheimer Society of Ireland

New Paragraph

Tipperary Age Friendly Recording Eileen Kennedy North Tipperary Hospice

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